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Career Pribyslav ACO

ACO Přibyslav | Marketing Communication Specialist


ACO Group is a world market leader in drainage technology. Climate change sets us a challenge to react effectively with innovative solutions to new environmental conditions. With its integrated approach, ACO stands for professional drainage, efficient cleaning, and the controlled discharge or reuse of water. Products include drainage channels and drains, oil and grease separators. The innovation strength of ACO is built on intense research and development. ACO has a presence in over 44 countries, with a total of 35 production sites on five continents. With a global workforce of 5,400, the company generated sales of Euro 900 million in 2019.

ACO Přibyslav is the largest production plant in the ACO Group, the world leader in drainage technology. ACO Competence Center in Přibyslav develops and produces professional drainage systems for buildings.

Successful candidate should have and expect following:

  • B2B marketing skills, knowledge and experience
  • Clear understanding of management of marketing communication campaigns from brief to international execution and final reporting and analysis
  • Cooperation with strategic marketing and product management and translating this insight in to successful marketing initiatives
  • Strong analytical ability, creativity, copywriting skills in both Czech and English
  • Effective interpersonal skills, ability to facilitate focus driven discussion with colleagues and customers
  • High standard of integrity with a passion for the teamwork, creativity in all areas of interaction and innovative drive
  • An entrepreneurial ‘can-do’ attitude facilitated by continuous learning and application of appropriate ‘best practices’
  • Ability to focus and follow through on priorities and deliver quality results


  • 2+ year of experiences in B2B marketing industry or advertising
  • Fluent English written and spoken – copywriting
  • Complex understanding of google marketing tools, adobe suite, social media business networking, content creation and application, PR, web development and improvement know how
  • Driving license B


  • Friendly work culture with a high degree of freedom and self-realization
  • Motivating salary
  • Product development with environment in mind
  • Notebook, iPhone
  • Factory canteen, 5 weeks vacation, flexible working hours
  • A wide range of benefits and training courses

Přidejte se k nám!


ACO Industries k.s.
Havlíčkova 260
582 22 Přibyslav
Česká republika

Petra Svatoňová
Recruitment and Development Specialist
GSM: + 420 605 786 845